In the news: Allegations of fabricated research data undermine key Alzheimer's theory.

03 Aug 2022, 11:19
In the news: Allegations of fabricated research data undermine key Alzheimer’s theory 🗞 According to an investigation recently published in Science, several hallmark scientific papers on the origin of Alzheimer’s show “shockingly blatant” examples of image tampering. The investigation suggests millions of research funding has been misspent with the fraudulent data possibly misdirecting 16 years of Alzheimer’s research. These findings demonstrate once more that Verifiable Proof of research data is not a 'nice to have' but a clear necessity. By timestamping data on a public blockchain, anyone can verify that data was present at a certain point in time & has not been altered since. Generating these proofs before researchers can even make sense of the data will help advance sound research conduct. 👉 More info: 🗣 Twitter: